A collection of inspiration, resources and adventures from the wild moon hunts curated with love and attention especially for you!

Venus in Leo – your time to shine your brightest light

wildmoonhuntress - Your feminine power

She is a ray of shine, lighting up the world.

The Venus in Leo woman simply will not be satisfied with an ordinary life. Her fire burns bright and has a passion for living life at the edge. She is naturally inclined to search for joyous and entertaining moments. Her friendly and warm-hearted demeanor makes for her to steal the spotlight and grab attention easily.

Venus in Leo in the natal chart

You will recognize her in the warmth of the glittering sunset. In the heart beating next to you,  when the whole world opens up to greet you. A passion and courage that roars deep in your chest to be expressed and shared.

Venus in Leo is creative, always searching for ways to express herself. She has a unique gift to bring to the world, but sometimes when she feels insecure this can translate into a need to seek validation. There is always fear simmering deep inside of her that she is not good enough. And in times no matter how she wants to be on the stage of her life, she is taking a seat in the audience, becoming a secondary character in her own life story.

In her private, love life a romance is of great importance. She is a loyal and devoted partner and will expect the same. But also, she will never sell herself short for something that doesn’t satisfy her on every level. Venus in Leo has high relationship standards and will simply not settle for anything less than she feels she deserves.

The greatest purpose and lesson

The purpose of the Venus in Leo is to shine. As the Sun is the ruling planet of Leo, when Venus is cradled in this sign, a unique expression of feminine energy is portrayed through a sense of self. In her highest vibration, she embodies the traits of sovereignty, royalty, nobility, and leadership. Venus in Leo knows how to sand fully and gracefully in her own power. She likes to be noticed for her personal brand in pursuit of leaving a mark on this world. Secretly, she craves recognition for her efforts, creating a myth of her life to be retold and admired.

The greatest lesson and purpose for Venus in Leo is to learn to trust herself and in return to trust the world. Not only she is good enough, but she has a unique gift and vision to bring to the world. But her talents and authentic assets she can seize and access when she fully accepts herself. All the affection and love she is so ready to give others, she first has to give to herself first.

She doesn’t have to ask permission to shine her brightest light.

When she is ready to radiate in the fullness of her feminine being, her personal magnetism is awakened. She is the star in every sense and meaning of the word. Her deep soul purpose is self-realization, but when her shadow sweeps her into darkness and self-doubt creeps in, she can over-inflate herself in arrogance and false pride. She may grasp at outside validation and demand attention at the expense of other people and lose herself in dramatic outbursts. These theatrical manifestations are emerging of the wounded princess, believing there is not enough for everyone and becoming overly competitive. This is the shadow side of Venus in Leo where her natural warmth and affectioned nature is dimmed in the pursuit of recognition.

Venus in Leo: high and low vibrations

Venus in Leo must learn to develop real self-confidence that comes from an open heart. She must source her safety and worthiness from deep within, from knowing who she is. To firmly and unapologetically stand in her truth, instead of searching for approval from external sources. Then she is ready to take her rightful place on the throne. When she knows that there is nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of, but proudly being a whole spectrum woman. She is becoming a Queen who understands that self-sovereignty is her goal and right. She rises from the wounded princess, who always waits for others to choose her, to approve of her. As a leader dismantles this need to complain and blame because she takes full responsibility for her actions and results. This is the moment her magic is fully turned on and she radiates her true regal nature. 

Venus in Leo in transit

When Venus traverses through the fires of Leo, we are invited to devote time to understanding our feminine self. She is here to help us embody and explore the playful aspect of the Divine Feminine, but also the confidence and competence.  Our true feminine nature and examine from every angle. Venus in Leo illuminates those parts of ourselves we want to hide from, to keep in the dark and locked down. This fiery Venus is inviting you to see it all and love it all. To feel your wounds and connect with your wounded inner girl, a princess who never feels good enough. That sits in the corner and believes she must wait for her turn, for her moment to shine.

Your inner girl demands your attention, but not in a way you will give in, in her drama theatrics, but in a way, you will shower her with love and give her all that she needs. Healing comes from accepting all the pieces of yourself, which make you the woman you are today.

The greatest purpose and lesson

When Venus transits Leo is empowering to retrieve our power, by learning to trust ourselves once again.

One of the greatest lessons this transit brings is recognizing in which ways we’ve been holding ourselves from fully showing up as ourselves, for fear of rejection or criticism. Where haven’t we been honest with ourselves – not showing in our most authentic self-expression?  In which ways we don’t feel good enough and seek approval from others? When you completely accept yourself, you realize the only approval you need is your own. You are acting from a place of true Queen who shines with confidence, kindness, and self-love. You are becoming this magnetic woman who commands the whole universe with presence alone, never needing drama to make herself seen. 

Venus in Leo is here to support you in your creative pursuits. To help you rekindle your feminine aliveness by remembering what you love to do, and what you are passionate about. These are some of the shortcuts to reach for the highest vibrations of Venus in general. In these moments, when we set ourselves loose, without being succumbed what the rest of the world will think about us, but we just enjoy in being in our creative self, we silent our Ego. We disperse the conditioning and patterns that weighs us down, from our authentic expression. We connect with our hearts and that; is when the world opens the doors of immense possibilities.

Ready to dive deeper?

As a woman, embodying the best qualities of your Venus sign is how you awaken your feminine essence and reclaim your power. In our "Feminine Power" natal chart report, you will learn all the juicy details of how your personal Venus can help you - not only foster an unshakable foundation of self-worth, but how to live a life of meaning while inviting easiness, comfort and satisfaction. Start today by ordering your personal report here.

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